I’ve always been open to inspiring others with things I’ve learned or that felt right to me. I hope to do that again now in an interview with Starter Story.

I’ve been running this site for 9 years now, and in that time I’ve gained some experience. In this very detailed interview, you’ll learn how it all started, which books inspired me, that picjumbo was originally a $1.99 photo site, what missteps I’ve made along the way, and so on and so forth.
Of course, there were a lot of mistakes and unnecessary journeys along the way, but the whole process is a learning curve. For example, I used to pay crazy money for image-processing or newsletter sending and those two things alone cost me over $18,000 a year, only to find out that I can send emails myself through Sendy for $40/month and that image-processing is offered by WordPress for free through Jetpack.
In short, a totally detailed story of the picjumbo project, including the software tools or camera gear I use, and with tips on what to do if you’re working on something right now. Enjoy!