You are awesome! Yes, maybe the April’s Fools article was a little over the top, but it was only a simple joke. What surprised us, though, was that it seemed real to you! As in, that you consider picjumbo so good that it could be acquired by someone so big.
But unfortunately no, Google did not buy us – yet! Nothing changes and you can still download all the pictures you like for free.
We are, however, planning some new features! There is a major redesign of the homepage coming where you will be able to find more than only the newest photos and also we are planning big change in the PREMIUM Membership, so it will suit everyone better – whether you are a blogger or large creative agency.

And thank you again for you support, sharing and kind words! It is thanks to you that picjumbo is my fulltime job and thanks to that I can do 24/7 something useful that I really enjoy. It is hard work but I love it!
Thank you & stay tuned!