Tag: news

picjumbo acquired by Google

Published by April 1, 2016

We are proud to announce that, starting today, picjumbo will be under the wings of Google, who has acquired it after weeks-long negotiations.

The content of picjumbo will be implemented into several Google apps and interfaces from now on; mainly into the Google Office suite where the photos will be available for direct use in text documents (Docs) or in presentations (Slides). Selected photos will be also available as system-default wallpapers in the Android and Chrome OS.

For regular picjumbo users everything stays the same – our photos will continue to be available for free on picjumbo.com

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New version of All in One Pack is here: 800+ images!

Edit 15/5/2016: All in One pack is now included in the new picjumbo PREMIUM Membership. See more: picjumbo.com/premium

Picjumbo now has more than 800+ photos in its free version. And I know it would be very very hard to download them all. It’d be more than 1000+ clicks and more than 1000+ viewed pages.


I know, It’s not about downloading all images but I know there are many people who want to download them all and create their own photo library for design projects.

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