Tag: kofi

Infographic: 5 Amazing Years of picjumbo in Numbers

It was a little website when it all started 5 years ago. Just a few photos, just a few visitors a day… But everything has changed over time: people were writing about picjumbo on their blogs, big magazines started mentioning picjumbo in their articles and big companies like LG or Zhiyun started using picjumbo pictures in their physical products.

These 5 years were amazing and because I love numbers and statistics, and because I’m a designer, I created my biggest infographic ever: 5 years of picjumbo in numbers.

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Heading to Iceland!

Published by May 12, 2018

Do you remember my blog post about San Francisco from a while back? Flying from the heart of Europe across the ocean to the United States was a quite a challenge for me back then. And now there is another one…

Yes! Another journey is here! It is somewhat the “on the spur of the moment trip” so we still have to pack and everything, but we are heading to Iceland this weekend! Island where you can experience all four seasons within an hour.

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The new Sony lens just arrived — thanks to You!

Published by March 13, 2018

I have a great news everyone! Do you remember the newsletter I have sent a while back with a link to a website through which you could support me (and the whole picjumbo project) by buying a few virtual coffees? And that if you buy a certain amount of them (166 to be exact) I could buy a new lens?

Well imagine this — I have just got the lens!

Even though I knew that the whole goal of reaching 166 “coffees” was doable, I didn’t expect it will be done in barely one month!

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WOW! 65 coffees in 24 hours!

Yesterday I sent a message about this website where you can directly support my effort and help me to get a new lens for even better photos. And you absolutely set the site on fire!

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65 coffees and 44% of my goal to get a new lens in 24 hours! WOW! You made my day! And I believe we’ll hit 100% really soon! I can’t wait for it!


This is how 65 coffees looks on me! haha

Right now only 99 coffees left to hit the finish line of this goal.

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Do you like picjumbo? Buy me a coffee or two!

..and help me reach my goal to buy a new lens for my camera. Don’t worry, I won’t actually spend it on coffee!

For more than four years I’m publishing new images on picjumbo (see what’s new on picjumbo) and giving all the pictures for FREE. Would you consider buying me a coffee and helping me reach my goal to buy a new lens?

I’d be super-happy for that! 🙏🏻

free stock business high resolution photos 2018 picjumbo

Right now I only need 166 coffees from you to get a new camera lens Sony FE 28mm f/2.

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