Tag: picjumbo

2,000+ Hi-Res Stock Photos at your fingertips!

Published by June 20, 2018

…and you can download them all right now! Our “save your time” pack has been updated! :)

It’s time to celebrate! 🎉 Our All in One Pack now contains more than 2,000+ free stock photos from our website! Save your time, support our effort ❤ and download all picjumbo images to your computer.

If you’ll be in hurry, this folder full of images will be a gift from heaven. All 2,000+ images will be always ready, even if you won’t be online.

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Hello from Iceland!

Published by May 17, 2018

Greetings from Iceland! 🎉

We are halfway through our trip and I am sure there will be some very interesting photos! We are even finding places that we have not plan on visiting and the same goes for pictures – I have photos that I have not even dreamed of having!

There are unfortunately some setbacks with a local environmental agency that forbids drones and closed down some interesting locations, but it’s manageable. Right now I have more than 1000 photos!

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6 Reasons Why You Should Join PREMIUM Membership Right Now!

Published by October 25, 2016

Over the last week we gave you six reasons to join picjumbo PREMIUM Membership to get the best pictures for your websites, blogs and graphic designs. PREMIUM collections are great and in 6 following points I will tell you why.


So here we go:


We love free pictures and Viktor posts loads of them everyday on picjumbo.com. But you need something better than everybody else and we have exactly what you need. picjumbo PREMIUM Membership offers exclusive pictures which are not publicly shared.

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Guess what’s the most popular picture on picjumbo!


We’ve been around for quite a while now and all this time we have been watching what you like and what you download. After three years we have posted loads of pictures and you have made over a million of downloads, which is just amazing. Thank you for that, I truly appreciate it.

But there is one particular picture that you like more than any other. It is one from recent PREMIUM collection ‘Office‘ (if you like this image, you can find similar photos in this collection).

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picjumbo.com Redesigned! All New picjumbo is Here

Published by June 28, 2016

Many of you have probably already noticed that picjumbo went through a major change over the last few days. And yes, we have done some of the biggest updates since the very beginning of picjumbo.

We changed FREE version of picjumbo.com, as well as the whole PREMIUM Membership. And in the meantime we also managed to capture some of the best picjumbo pictures yet. This will be big!

picjumbo biggest change

picjumbo PREMIUM Membership

We started testing a new version of PREMIUM Membership, where the most important changes are the new plans and new pricing.

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picjumbo acquired by Google

Published by April 1, 2016

We are proud to announce that, starting today, picjumbo will be under the wings of Google, who has acquired it after weeks-long negotiations.

The content of picjumbo will be implemented into several Google apps and interfaces from now on; mainly into the Google Office suite where the photos will be available for direct use in text documents (Docs) or in presentations (Slides). Selected photos will be also available as system-default wallpapers in the Android and Chrome OS.

For regular picjumbo users everything stays the same – our photos will continue to be available for free on picjumbo.com

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